2020 Co-op AGM Meeting Minutes

Meeting date

Hot Topics

    Community Garden Management

    • Brihat will organize beds, drip line management, weeding
    • Brihat will manage 18 market rows
    • no farm gate sales rather a guided u-pick
    • Need to build an area with a roof for storage
    • sign with rules, tools, finish your beds
    • cover crop for unused areas of garden (hay mix for cows, alfalfa, clover)
    • Swale around perimeter to stop deer
    • Windbreak on southside made of existing and new fruit/nut trees plus willow (basket willow)

    Community Garden Fees

    • rows are leased to villagers (example: $54 per row)
    • drip lines available
    • plowing by ox plow and rototiller early spring
    • fertilizer, green manure
    • trade produce for fees

    Hemp Cultivation

    • first year focus on growing seeds
    • need irrigation plan
    • possible processing facility in ashcroft
    • Bala can get seed, $1 per pound
    • potential growing sites: Bhumi Farm, Blue Earth Forest Farm and Lot 384

    Bean Planting Program

    • beans add nutrients to garden, next grains (harvesting and storage issues)
    • seeds cleaned and packaged, sold online
    • bean row for temple, row for school lunch (summer camp), school/community compost (grants)
    • need community dryer
    • Schedule for watering, weeding, fence security, harvesting
    • join the bc seed producing co-op (mohave)

    Yearly Topics

      Community Garden Improvements

      • care for existing fruit trees, herbs, bees, raspberries, strawberry, goji need maintenance
      • soil has to be built up with cover crops and manure from goshala
      • electric fence to be fixed and fine-tuned, need battery and solar panel

      Community Fencing

      • Southend rail fence 30% complete.  West fence has braces until Sthanur.  Need to repound posts early spring
      • Metal Gates need for roads (2)
      • Gates for homes along west fence (Sthanur, Bhava...)

      Labour and Woofers

      • Accommodation infrastructure: housing, outhouse, solar shower
      • Need the right people, screening process
      • Inspiration: Stein Valley Farm
      • Importing devotees from Indonesia

      Hay growing and harvesting plan

      • Ox Team and tractor cut hay in southend
      • meeting 5% of hay needs for year, labor issues
      • cows happy with hay produced
      • Bailer not justified yet, Storage near barn
      • other areas can be fenced and used for hay (Dadhi Harta's land)
      • goshala manure - good for mulch, worms

      Organic certification

      • Maple trees now certified in community garden, can add new
      • Manure must be put on in spring

      Announcements and Events

      • Seed order first week of February
      • Seed exchange in march?, april,  may, june?


      • Financial report (co-op is not for profit, no tax)
      • Online year-end filling
      • Election of Directors (President: Yoginath, Secretary and Treasurer: Ramanath)
      • Previous AGM minutes approved.
      • Attendance: Yoginath, Udarakirti, Michael, Bala, Brihat, Ramanath



      Home Lake Co-op 2019 Report

      Community Farm Infrastructure & Development Plan

      Community Garden Map

      Fence Plan for Saranagati Village

      Fencing Reports

      Fence Accounting