Co-op Meeting Minutes

Meeting date

Co-op tractor for plowing and post pounding usage

  • plow needs reinforcement work for use in heavy sod, can be done over winter
  • post pounder can be fixed over winter, need welding by Chaitanya
  • Kripanidhi or Chaitanya can drive tractor

Community garden

  • Francis will use 2 acres for himself, and remainder to be managed by community
  • needs cover crops in fall like rye,  dormant in winter and takes off in spring
  • 3 buckwheat cover crops to build soil on fallow land

Beet storage and sales

  • Will approach Natures Fare about selling beets beyond Kamloops
  • Bhumi farm built storage in barn
  • Alternative idea is to bury beet in ground hole in cover with straw
  • Shortage of cold storage in vancouver

Cow and goshalla update

  • hindus love cows and wlll drive from Vancouver to do puja
  • surabhi will breed next spring,
  • daivata wants to move to Village for training bulls
  • india cows good for north and have a2 milk dung and urine

Valley fence update

  • fence work starts early march
  • govardhan hill fence need improvements from lake to top of hill
  • need to add gates and dummy posts to existing fences
  • possible fence posts making this winter - with outside sales opportunities

Community water management

  • Home lake is rising, back to spring level
  • creek is flowing near bhumi farm
  • Lakes were built to be used for irrigation

Farm and Water Tax proposal

  • Goal of Tax is to transfer of farm costs from SVHI to farmers.
  • Scope of Tax:  shareholders owing or using farm land in Southend of Village
  • Tax can pay for Organic certification costs, Water Line maintenance, Future Water Line expansions, Fence maintenance and expansion
  • Need to create a Saranagati Farm Land Reserve and encourage shareholders who own farm land to use it, or trade for other land
  • Draft Tax calculator:…
  • Proposal will be presented at 2017 AGM

Next meeting and co-op elections in early January

Attendance: Bala, Yoginath, Kripanidhi, Ramanath