Meeting Minutes
Co-op AGM Meeting 2022-23 |
We are increasing our food production, preserving techniques and storage infrastructure
Key points:
increased production and seed saving
Cows mob grazing is essential to grassland health
Vedic Eco Village needs more farm workers, housing for workers via cubes (movable 10x10x10 cubes) and…
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Co-op AGM Meeting 2021-22 |
Key points
We need a community food security, eco-tourism, forestry and wild fire protection plan!
We need to capture water (ie. ponds, swales) before it leaves valley
Need an engineer stamp for our buildings, more important than a building permit
Mob grazing is essential to grassland health
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Co-op AGM Meeting Minutes 2020-21 |
AGM Minutes
Food security
we need to grow much more than last year
need more potatoes seeds and help to remove colorado beetle
harvested twice as much beans as planted... this can improve greatly with more weeding
need a planter/seeder for grains... something ox can pull...
bhumi farm walking…
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2020 Co-op AGM Meeting Minutes |
Hot Topics
Community Garden Management
Brihat will organize beds, drip line management, weeding
Brihat will manage 18 market rows
no farm gate sales rather a guided u-pick
Need to build an area with a roof for storage
sign with rules, tools, finish your beds
cover crop for unused areas of garden (…
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2018/19 Co-op AGM Meeting Agenda and Minutes |
Hot Topics
new approach to increase farming in the valley
Transform farm status either through residents
1) paying residential tax rate (e.g. $400 each)
2) farming ($500 gross revenue each)
3) associating yourself with farmer but not doing the farming yourself (need to invest with farmer to gain…
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2017 Co-op AGM Meeting minutes |
Community Garden update
• Community garden: Francis is "retiring" and will keep 2 acres for fruit trees, herbs, bees, raspberries, strawberry, goji
• Remaining 2 acres could be managed by cooperative - the soil has to be built up with cover crops and manure
• Francis will leave…
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Co-op Meeting Minutes |
Co-op tractor for plowing and post pounding usage
plow needs reinforcement work for use in heavy sod, can be done over winter
post pounder can be fixed over winter, need welding by Chaitanya
Kripanidhi or Chaitanya can drive tractor
Community garden
Francis will use 2 acres for himself, and…
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Co-op Meeting Minutes |
Meeting Agenda
farming update
co-op seed order
valley fence update
co-op tractor calendar and weekly schedule of impeiments (ie. post pounder, plow, rotovator)
cow and goshala update
co-op logo, sticker and marketing materials
cooperative update, executive election and review of previous meeting…
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